- Pse bjondina vesh brek te zeza – Mban dit zije per virgjinitetin e humbur
- Pse bjondina i lyn buzet me te gjelbert – Se e kuqja dmth STOP
- Pse ka ra bjondina per dritare – Se ka qen duke i hekurosur perdet
- Pse bjondina shkon ne shpi publike – Se punon…
- Pse bjondina flen me vizore – Qe me mat kohen sa ka flejt
- Qysh perben bjondina – Virgjine jam pasha femit
- Pse bjondina i mer shkallt me veti kur shkon me ble diqka – Se ka ndi qe jan rit qmimet
- Ja ben nje shoqe bjondines kam ni se krishlinden jan te premten – Kuku ishalla sosht i 13-i
- Cili osht ndryshimi ne mes te 7 bjondinav dhe 3 zeskanev – Rezultati:4
- Dallimi ne mes te bjondines dhe hotelit – Ne hotel te gjithe mysafiret regjistrohen.
- Pse bjondina mban sheqer ner jastak – Qe te ket gjum te embel
- Pse bjondina pin varekin – Me pastru fjalorin
- Pse bjondina e qet kacigen ne kry – Mos mi ra naj sen ne men
- Pse bjondina kur te lahet e hek deren e banjos – Tutet mos e kqyr naj kush per bire te qelsit…
- A e dini se pse bjondina i mban syzet ne barke? – Sepse i ka thene mjeku se e ka zorren qorre…
- Pse japonezet jane populli me i menqur ne bote? – Sepse nuk kan bjondina
- Pse biondina para se me ra me flejt i mbyll syt para pasqyres? – Sepse don me pa veten qysh doket kur t’flen…
- I thot bjondina bjondines – Po dyshoj ne burin tim,pom duket qe femin e fundit se ka bo aj
- Pse bjondina rri para vaskes para se mu la – Pret bojlerin mi dhez driten e gjelbert
- Qka thot bjondina kur te met shtatezen? – Ndoshta sasht i jemi
- Pse bjondines nuk i ndihet zani gjat seksit – S i ka than mami mos me fol met hujt
- Pse shkon bjondina ne kopsht zoologjik – Per me marr kerrin qe ja ka marr marimanga
- Pse rrzohet muri kur te mbeshtet bjondina – Se me i menquri lshon pe i pari
- Pse bjondina ulet ne ulsen e par ne kinema – Per me pa filmin e para
- Pse bjondina ura prej dritares – Se u kan tui hekuros perdet
- Pse bjondina e le kuleten permi televizor – Per mei dal programi sa me i pasur
- Pse bjondina i lan kembet me qorape vesh – Sepse uji eshte i ftoht
- Qka thojn bjondinat kur te ndegjojn ndonje barcolet per to – Uuuu budallicat
11 Bjondina
Gjate nje ngjitjeje neper shkembinje, 11 bjonde dhe 1 zeshkane kishin ngecur te kapura per litar. Litari nuk i mbante te gjitha dhe mund te keputej dhe te gjitha do vdisnin.
Zeshkanja fillon t’u flase perzemersisht bjondinave se si ajo do te sakrifikonte veten e saj per te shpetuar jeten e 11 bjondinave.
Ne fund, te gjitha bjondinat duartrokasin.
17 Bjondinat
kan qen 17 bjondina para nje diskoteke kan qen tuj prit.. rojtari diskotekes i pyet pse nuk hyni mbrenda po pritni? ato i pergjigjen e presim edhe 1 a nuk duhet me qen 18 per me hy mbrenda…
2 Bjondinat
jan takuar 2 Bjondina por dyjat e kan pat njetin problem ju kan hup burat njna e pyet tjetrin si duket buri jot ndoshta e shoh dikundi kjo i kthet me mjeker i plak i keq po skam cfar ti boj i kthehet i joti? nje i ri i nalt me vanth shum frar eshte ajo qe e ka burin e plak i kthet LENE AT TEMIN E KERKOJM TENDIN….
Bjondinat dhe bombet
Dy bjondina duke u shetitur gjejnë dy bomba….
E para: „ Ne duhet këtë menjëhere ta lajmrojme në polici“
E dyta: „Por në qoft se njëra eksplodon“
E para: „ po i thojmë se aty kishte qenë vetëm një“……..
Bjondina e martuar
Ishte martu njehere nje bjondine me nje djalosh,dhe ne mbremje bjondina bjen ne nje krevet djaloshi ne tjetrin.diku ne me te nates bjondina deshiron te bejn sex dhe i thot hej e kam ftoht,djaloshi e merr nje qebe dhe e mbulon .Bjondina e perserit kete dhe nje here por djaloshi vepron prap e mbulon edhe me nje qebe .me ne fund thot me vete bjondina po ky qenka i hupt ti them drejt.Edhe i thot ,o djal a e din se une e kam nje bir (vrim )ne trup. jo valla ia kthen djaloshi-po pse nuk tregove me heret , po nga atje po te hyn te ftohtit e po thua e kam ftoht
Jepi edhe një shansë
Ne nje konkurs ne Gjermani moderatori pyet nje konkurues.”sa bejne 2+2?”"5,qe pergjigja”-Gjithe salla tha.jepi dhe nje shans.Moderatori pyet perseri.”Sa bejne 2+2?”-”3 -qe pergjigjja”Salla edhe njehere-Jepi edhe nje shans.Moderatori drejtohet nga konkuruesi dhe me nje ton te ashper e pyet perseri.”Sa bejne 2+2?” “4 -u pergjigj konkuruesi” Nje bjonde nga salla,”-Jepi dhe nje shans!!!!
Biondina dhe burri i saj
Burri me gruan po fluturonin kur pa prit masë dëgjojnë një zhurmë. Piloti njofton me altoparlant se një motor është prishur the fluturimi do te zgjas 30 minuta me shumë se ishte parashikuar….Mbas 30 minutash përsëritet e njëjta gjë por piloti njofton se po fluturojnë me 2 motorë dhe fluturimi do te zgjas edhe 40 minuta te tjera…..Një gjë e tille përsërit dhe piloti njofton me altoparlant se: tani po fluturojmë vetëm me 1 motor dhe fluturimi do te zgjas 2 ore me shumë se e kishim parishikuar……….
Biondja pa prit masë thotë : Nëse edhe motori tjetër prishet, a do të ngelim këtu gjithë ditën?
Dy bionde qëndrojnë pranë një lumi por ne ane te kundërta. Biondja nga njëra ane e lumit e thërret bionden ne anën tjetër dhe e pyet? Hej, te lutem me thuaj se si mund te kaloj ne anën tjetër te lumit?
Biondja tjetër i përgjigjet: Po ti tashme je ne anën tjetër te lumit.
Testi i shtatzënisë
Dje e kam bere testin e shtatzënisë po i thotë biondina biondinës, kjo tjetra i kthehet a ishin pyetjet e vështira.
Biondina në kafiteri
- Më falni, çfarë është kjo farë “hibiskus”?
- Është çaj.
- Atëherë më jepni një hibiskus prej kamilice.
Shefi i nevrikosur i thotë biondinës se e ke trurin në mes të këmbëve.
Të nesërmen biondina e thërret shefin në telefon dhe i thotë se s’mund të vijë në punë sepse kam gjakëderdhje në tru.
Bjondina ne New York
Ishte bjondina duke udhetuar per ne newyork dhe hyp ne aeroplan edhe ulet ne karikat e para dhe ato kan qen te zena dhe i kan thon dil mrapa se keto jan te zana por ajo ka thon jo mir jom ktu dhe u shku edhe piloti e i ka thon por ajo prap ka thon mir jom ktu dhe u shku stjuardezka dhe i ka thon diqka ne vesh dhe ajo u dal ne karikat ma mrapa dhe po e pyesin keta tjeret se qka i the ne vesh bjondines he qka i thash i thash se keto karikat e para nuk shkojn per newyork dhe e liroj vendin
Te ftohtit
Ishte martu njehere nje bjondine me nje djalosh,dhe ne mbremje bjondina bjen ne nje krevet djaloshi ne tjetrin.diku ne me te nates bjondina deshiron te bejn sex dhe i thot hej e kam ftoht,djaloshi e merr nje qebe dhe e mbulon .Bjondina e perserit kete dhe nje here por djaloshi vepron prap e mbulon edhe me nje qebe .me ne fund thot me vete bjondina po ky qenka i hupt ti them drejt.Edhe i thot ,o djal a e din se une e kam nje bir (vrim )ne trup. jo valla ia kthen djaloshi-po pse nuk tregove me heret , po nga atje po te hyn te ftohtit e po thua e kam ftoht.
Shanca e Bjondines
En ni kfiz special për Bjondina kur ti vjen rradha njones per mu përgjigj en pytjen sa bojin 3 herë 4 Bjondina thot: 7
Gabim!!! I thot spikeri.
Edhe ni shans, edhe ni shans! – Ja nisin me piskat Bjondinat qera.
Mir, sa bojin 2 herë 4?
Bjondina pi thot: 6
Perseri Gabim! – Thot Spikeri
Apet bjondinat qera: Edhe ni shans, edhe ni shans!
Mir, sa bojin 3 herë 3!
9 përgjigjet Bjondina.
Edhe ni shans edhe ni shans – Ja nisin apet Bjondinat tjera.
Sistemi i Frymëmarrjes
Shkon nji bjondinte doktorri me vokmena n’vesh.
Heki ato sene pi veshve! I thot Doktorri.
Bjondina: Jo, se nuk muj me jetu pa to.
Bohet nervoz doktorri edhe ja hek me zor e bjondina ja nis mes me marr frym.
Kur ti vnon vokmenat en vesh Doktorri e Nin ni zo: merr frym, lsho frymen, merr frym, lsho frymen,
merr frym, lsho frymen…
Dy bjondina pi kqyrin ni film en televizor.
Pa njo pa dy njona qohet e nal televizorin e i thot shoqes:
Pi nali pak se pe shkoj deri n’baj e nuk pe du me m’ik kurgjo.
Merr ne tel nje bjonde ne Microsoft per ndihme .Edhe e pyet punojnjesi :
Cili eshte problemi juaj?
nuk mund te lidhem me internetin
Mire i thote ai, password-in e di??
Po thote ajo e di, ja pash nje shoku qe ishte ulur para meje
Shume mire, cili qe password-i juaj ??
6 yje (******)
- A e dini pse bjondina del te mesoje ne ballkon..?
sepse kur te diplomoje, te thote kam studiuar jashte!
- Pse bjondina i merr shkallet me veti kur shkon me ble dicka
se ka ndegjua qe jan rrit cmimet.
- Shefi i nevrikosur i thotë biondinës se e ke trurin në mes të këmbëve. Të nesërmen biondina e thërret shefin në telefon dhe i thotë se s’mund të vijë në punë sepse kam gjakëderdhje në tru.
- Gjate nje ngjitjeje neper shkembinje, 11 bjonde dhe 1 zeshkane kishin ngecur te kapura per litar. Litari nuk i mbante te gjitha dhe mund te keputej dhe te gjitha do vdisnin. Zeshkanja fillon t’u flase perzemersisht bjondinave se si ajo do te sakrifikonte veten e saj per te shpetuar jeten e 11 bjondinave. Ne fund, te gjitha bjondinat duartrokasin.
Blond Jokes
Why blonde women puts the Prime kacigen - not my men fell something in mind !- Why blonde women wear black panties - Keeps days of mourning for the lost virginity- Why bjondina of lyn with green lips - that red means STOP- Why has dropped bjondina for windows - That there dog while ironing curtains- Why bjondina defamation goes public - that works ...- Why blonde women sleep with ruler - Since the time the measure has slept- Since constitutes bjondina - Virginia'm Pasha baby is- Why bjondina of stairs takes with him when he goes to buy something - that feel that there are ritual ingredient prices- Here I bjondines makes a friend ni that are krishlinden Friday - I hope my Kuku of them the 13th of- What difference between watching the bjondinav 7 and 3 zeskanev - Score: 4- The difference between the bjondines and hotel - We all hotel guests registered.- Why bjondina keeps sugar ner jastak - To this sweet sleep- Why bjondina pin varekin - With clean vocabulary- Did you know that men who are smart and who are fool? - Kallzojnë stupid jokes for the wise bjondina and sleep with them- Why bjondina when the railway bathe bathroom door - not yours naj who watches The key to puncture ...- Do you know why the blonde women holding glasses in boat? - Because the doctor said that the intestine is blind ...- Why the Japanese are smart people in the world? - Because they have not bjondina- Why biondina before it fell slept with eyes closed front of the mirror? - For ever want to free yourself when t'flen docks ...- The bjondina says bjondines - I suspect we BURIN my pom last child seems to have bo aj- Why is before vaskes bjondina before just left - my hosts boiler firing the green light- What says bjondina met when pregnant? - Maybe Sasha are- Why does not feel zani bjondines during sex - than Mom S has not met to talk hujt- Why go blonde women in zoo - For pick gears that has taken marimanga- Why rrzohet wall when bjondina supports - with the Wisdom That first saw lshon- Why sit in the front seat of blonde women in cinema par - For the first film without- Why bjondina bridge from the window - that they have ironed curtains tui- Why let the wallet bjondina television Permit - For mei get as rich program- Why bjondina washes the feet have nothing Wear - Because the water is cold- What Topics say when I hear any BARCOL for them - woo budallicat11 BjondinaDuring an adhesion in the rocks, 11 blonde and one brunette had stuck clinging to the rope. The rope does not hold all and can keputej and all will die.Zeshkanja starts to talk about how she wholeheartedly Topics will sacrifice herself to save the lives of 11 Topics.In the end, all applaud Topics.17 Topics
17 blonde women have dog before a dog disco tuj have received .. diskotekes officer asks why not enter inside are expecting? they expect the first response should not the dog for 18 to enter inside ...2 Topics2 Bjondina are met but both have had the problem you have merged hup njna asks Buran looks like another trumpets thy dikundi probably see it returns the old bearded bad if I have anything What turns you BOJ yours? Haut new one with more frar vanth is what has BURIN the old man can become LENE AT sequin seek yours ....Topics and bombs
Two blonde being peddled find two bombs ....The first: "We need this immediately to the police lajmrojme"The second: "But if one explodes"The first: "we say that there is only one had been" ........Married BjondinaIt was once married to a Blonde-haired boy, and in the evening bjondina boy falls in a one bed in the night tjetrin.diku bjondina we want to do sex and says hey I cold, the boy gets a food before rolling out and covers. Bjondina of repeats this again and again, but boy does the covers with a food before rolling out. to finally says to himself bjondina is the hupt is this you say drejt.Edhe says to you, O son do you know that I have a son (holes) in body. valla not turn the boy-but why not tell me earlier, if there is to come from the cold if I say coldGive a chance
In a competition in Germany moderator asks a competitive. "How do 2 +2?" "5, that answer" All tha.jepi room and a shans.Moderatori ask again. "How do 2 +2?" - "3 - you answer "Give Hall once again-even a competitor shans.Moderatori and directed by a harsh tone and asks again." How do 2 +2? "" 4-applicant replied "A blonde from the hall," Come and a chance!!!!Biondina and her husbandHusband wife were flying when no wait hear a noise measure. Loudspeaker announces pilot with a broken engine is the flight will last 30 minutes than was anticipated .... After 30 minutes, repeat the same thing but the pilot announces that are flying with two engines and the flight will last 40 minutes the other ... One thing .. and the pilot repeats the loudspeaker announces that, now fly only with one engine and the flight will last more than 2 hours we had parishikuar ..........Blonde without measure received says: If the other engine breaks down, will ngelim here all day?BiondinaTwo blonde standing by a river but on opposite sides. Blonde on one side of the river on the other side bionden calls and asks? Hey, please tell me how to cross the river on the other side?The other blonde replies, I present to you the other side of the river.The pregnancy testYesterday I made the pregnancy test is biondinës biondina said, this one's back or were difficult questions.Biondina in cafeteria- Excuse me, what is this kind of "hibiscus"?- It's tea.- Then give me a hibiscus of kamilice.
The brain
Angry boss says you have a brain biondinës between the legs.The next day the boss calls biondina the phone and says they can not come to work because I bleed in the brain.Bjondina in New York
Bjondina was traveling to newyork and embark on an airplane and sit in the first chairs and dog have stuffy and have come MRAP thon that these are the fairies but it is not good Thon jom here and the driver was gone and who is thon but it still has good Thon jom here and has gone Thon stjuardezka and something in my ears and it was my MRAP stand on chairs and are wondering what these others that of the ear bjondines he said what I said is that these chairs of money does not go to newyork and the release siteThe cold
It was once married to a Blonde-haired boy, and in the evening bjondina boy falls in a one bed in the night tjetrin.diku bjondina we want to do sex and says hey I cold, the boy gets a food before rolling out and covers. Bjondina of repeats this again and again, but boy does the covers with a food before rolling out. to finally says to himself bjondina is the hupt is this you say drejt.Edhe says to you, O son do you know that I have a son (holes) in body. valla not turn the boy-but why not tell me earlier, if there is to come from the cold is cold I say.Chance of Bjondines
Kfiz ni en Bjondina special when you come to turn njones replied en question of how Bojin 3 times 4 Bjondina says: 7Error!!! The speaker says.Even chance ni, ni the chance! - Here begin to scream Topics rent.Well, as Bojin 2 times 4?Bjondina drink says: 6Wrong again! - Speaker SaysTopics APET rent: The chance ni, ni the chance!Well, as Bojin 3 times 3!9 answers Bjondina.Even the chance ni ni chance - Other Topics Here APET start.Respiratory SystemNji goes to the doctor bjondinte vokmena n'vesh.Disable them sene veshve drink! Says the doctor.Bjondina: No, not the month the Living without them.It will be too nervous the doctor has hardly hectares of blonde women between the pick has departed spirit.When you vnon vokmenat's doctor wears Nin en ni zo: breathing, lsho breath, breathing, lsho spirit,
breathing, breath lsho ...Topics ...Two blonde movie ni en drink watching television.Without knowledge without two njona lishment of NAL television and tell his wife:Nali drink less than the thread go up n'baj du m'ik not seen nothing as.Password
Get a blonde tel Microsoft for help. culf also asks:What is your problem?can not connect to the internetGood says he knows the password in?Yes says she knows, here I saw a friend who was sitting in front of meVery well, that was your password?6 stars (******)- Do you know why bjondina out to learn the balcony ..?because when they graduate, meaning I studied abroad!- Why bjondina staircase takes with him when he goes to buy somethingndegju that there are price increases.- Head of angry biondinës says that you have brains in between the toes. The next day the boss calls biondina the phone and says they can not come to work because I bleed in the brain.- During an adhesion in the rocks, 11 blonde and one brunette had stuck clinging to the rope. The rope does not hold all and can keputej and all will die. Zeshkanja starts to talk about how she wholeheartedly Topics will sacrifice herself to save the lives of 11 Topics. In the end, all applaud Topics.
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